We probably all know friends and family members who spend more time in the yard than out of it. Lawn care and gardening are high on their list of relaxing activities, and gifts to help them in their favorite pastime are always welcome. If you’re looking for a gift, big or small, for a loved one with a green thumb, give these ideas a try.
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Gardening Tools
It’s hard to go wrong with gardening tools. A beginning gardener will appreciate a simple canvas bag filled with quality tools like a hand fork or trowel, a potting scoop and a good set of garden shears. Throw in some sturdy twine and a pair of garden gloves and you’ve created a gardening kit. If the gardener on your list already has most of the standard gardening tools, consider some deluxe items like special weeding toils, seed sowers, an electronic soil tester, a quality pruning tool or a canvas bag with pockets and drainage holes. These and other items can be found at gardening supply sites or home improvement centers.
Kneeling Pad
Planting and cultivating is hard on a gardener’s knees. A kneeling pad is a great help for anyone who is going to be up and down next to their gardening bed. You can buy these ay any gardening store, but for a personal touch try making one.
Mowing Equipment
Lawn care is much easier when you have the right mowing equipment. Folks invested in caring for a large lawn will be impressed with z turn mowers. Zero turn mowers are similar to standard riding mowers but make more efficient turns. Their ability to make close pivots saves times and helps reduce trimming. Lawn care enthusiasts would likely also appreciate a good, quality rake. A sturdy bow rake with wide teeth or a steel lawn rake are two good choices.
Seeds and Plants
If you want to put a little whimsy into your gift for a green thumbed friend, try a colorful watering can filled with seed packets. Or consider a gift certificate to their favorite nursery or seed catalog where they can stock up on their choice of perennials, herbs, heirloom plants, vegetables or gardening supplies.
Garden Ornaments
Another lovely gift idea is garden statuary or other ornaments for the yard. Sundials, sculpture, garden art and water features can all make the home landscape more beautiful. A rain barrel could be another thoughtful gift for anyone who loves to keep their lawn and garden green and flourishing.
By Annette Hazard