Inspired by a post called 21 T-shirts Every Writer Should Wear made up by the Tee Explorer I started creating a top with my favorites.
These tees are hilarious and I think every writer will love one.
#5. Kiss Me I’m A Writer
This tee made me laugh for 10 minutes. It is a clever way to get a kiss or two.
#4. Just One More Chapter
This one can be the perfect gag gift because I lot of writers want to create the perfect book and struggle to finish it. If you ask them how is their book project going usually the answer is ‘I am close to finish. I just have to write one more chapter’.
#3. You Are Dangerously Close To Being Killed Off In My Novel
Actually this is a funny message which will definitely attract attention. A good gift for a fiction writer.
#2. I’m Plotting Against You. I’m A Writer. It’s What I Do 🙂
This tee will make people laughing for sure. I just love it and I am sure many writes will love it too.
#1. I Am A Writer. That Means I Live In A Crazy Fantasy World With Unrealistic Expectations. Thank You For Understanding
Definitely my favorite tee. If you ever it felt weird talking to people, this tee will make them leave you alone. Everyone knows that writers are extravagant.
That were my favorites.All designs can be seen on Tee explorer.