If you want to Make Money Online with your blog (website) every month you may want to sell links.

The links are essential to internet marketing. If you are a webmaster you already knew the value of good quality back links. If you don’t know yet the back links are I will explained for you.

Text links will help search engines find your web site
In order for a search engine such as Yahoo or Google to index your web site, they need to find it first.
They use advanced technology that finds web sites using the linking structure of
the internet. So if my blog (website) links to yours, and they know about me… it helps them to find you. If you have web sites linking to you, it means search engines are finding your web site and you will be listed in search engines.

Back links can help your rankings in search engines
Search engines like Google display their free search results based on a large algorythm (mathematical formula) that helps them determine how relevant your site is to the phrase a person is searching for. They also consider links into your web site the same way they would consider a vote. The more votes you have, the higher they will rank your web site.

So Text Link Advertising is a huge market today and you can profit from it.

If you are a webmaster you can buy links for your website (blog) and get a better search engine position, increase the site ranking and obtain more visitors.

The advantage of buying links is that you have the control of your site backlinks: how many to be, from which site’s, what anchor text to have and what description.

The advantage of selling links is that you cash out every month. The revenue is passive income. You add a new extra income source.

How much you can earn by selling links?
Depends of many factors but the main are: what is your blog (site) about (gambling, finance and hi tech sites are usually paid more), who many visitors you have and what is google page rank. Most sites (with a page rank over 3 and 10000 visitors/month) get an extra 200-1000$ monthly from links selling.

SO join the Sell your blog links 3Search Engine Marketing today and get your cut.